2008年1月13日 星期日


Dear Julia,I hope you are doing well on your daily life in Taiwan. I am apologized for my silence which, doesnʼt means that I forget you. I was looking to see something moving in good sense before I can disturb you (smile).
Ok for the current news:
現在我要說明我的近況:1. My ex-boss as I informed you before was ok for the idea of opening the SYTO Burkina Faso but, she kindly explained to me that this activities needs tremendous investment and not immediate profit. She therefore advice me to come with to revive the Abidjan office for at least one year, save money and come back later in Burkina Faso to open as a partner of her, the SYTO agency in Ouagadougou. That was nice but I got so many constraints regarding my son. I took sometimes to think about the entire story and decide to stay in Burkina Faso.
2. This morning I start a three months period work with a Taiwanese project to build a hospital here in Burkina Faso. I will assist the project manager with some translation and office work. If my performance is ok, they will keep me for a longer time.
今天早上我獲得了一個三個月的短期工作(註1),台灣官方單位計畫在布吉納法索蓋一家醫院,我的工作內容是幫助總經理處理文件、翻譯以及一些辦公室的行政工作,如果表現OK,他們會考慮流我長一點時間。3. Besides this, I wish to open a local small restaurant that will be run by my sisters. This will allow me to save money and open later on my own community development foundation. I hope you understand my situation. Please explain everything to Amanda, and tell her that I hugely the financial help that she promised to me to settle this small business to start.
4. For the computer and the printer send to me by Terry, I sent her yesterday my postal address for the reception. For this material, I will open another small business for color printing, and phones call. It is a popular business in Burkina Faso, that do not required tremendous financing

With my warmest regards,
魏微安 2007.07.18(00226) 70 61 67 74

*註1:在當地聘用新人習慣行使短期約聘制度,一次簽約三個月,工作效率好,再加簽三個月,當然工作不力,三個月後就bye bye了。

*註2:Terry多年前住在台北,兒子讀美國學校時,是julia的學生,也和 Dudu熟識,現在因為兒子在美國讀書,所以全家住在舊金山。今年回台灣時
Terry打電話約兩人見面,在閒聊之中說到Viviane的事。巧的是,Terry 的公公姓沈,早期是台灣派駐布吉納法索大使館人員,過世後,沈先生的家人在國立政治大學成立一個基金會專門用利息補助非洲學生來台讀書,而Viviane就是申請這個獎學金到台灣來的。Terry 知道Viviane需要辦公室用具,在回美國之前將隨身的手提電腦和印表機打包,交由julia寄到台灣駐布吉納法索大使館轉寄給Viviane,其他如印表機墨水等配件則另行郵寄。
