2008年1月13日 星期日


2008.01 viviane的來信
Dear Amanda,One year is going, and another one is coming over!!!!!!!May God bless you all for your kindly heart, and consideration for other. May he give us enought strenght and guidance to go throught our goals.親愛的阿曼達舊的一年過去~新的一年已經到來了!!!希望上帝保佑仁慈以及關心別人的你們, 也希望它可以給我們勇氣,力量並且保護我們一直到達成我們的目標For stuff that have been sent to me, the prices to whom I may have sold them were too low even to cover the customer fees. I have decided to kept bowls, thermoses that may be useul for a small business running, and during the christmas, i sent clothes, shoes and all small to the village for some children and young people on yourvu name. There were very happy and their happiness make me feel a very nice time with them. Hope you will like the pictures!!!!!我把你們寄給我的東西拿去賣了~但是價格不高~甚至只能付給關稅 .
我決定將碗都留下來 這對我之後要做生意或許有幫助 .
在聖誕節的期間, 我用你們的名義寄了些衣服跟鞋子還有一些小東西給村子裡的小孩和年輕人, 他們非常的高興.當時~他們的高興也讓我感覺跟他們在一起很棒 希望你會喜歡這些照片 請看Email的附件.Dudu; JOYEUSES FETES DE FIN D'ANNEE. QUE LA SANTE, L'AMOUR ET LA PAIX SOIT TON PARTAGE. PORTEZ VOUS TOUS TRES BIEN. GROSSES BISESPlease confer attachment (給Dudu看的法文)Adama is currently learning clothes sewing. I met him in the area where I am living. He wished to learn so i found a place for him at 1000NTD per year. Hope that next year he will be able to go for evenings classes.Adama 最近在學紡織 我是在我家附近遇到他的 他希望可以上課, 所以我幫她找了個地方一年給他1000台幣, 希望他明年開始可以開始上下午的課
